Similar words: comparison, in comparison with, prisoner, compare, parish, comparable, by contrast, company.
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181. The model is meshed in two different ways, then the undamped free vibration on rotor is studied including the natural frequencies and mode shapes by comparison.
182. It was found by comparison that the in vitro minimal bacteriostatic concentration of Dianluomi (iodine compound) was higher than that of silver sulfadiazine (Ag-SD).
183. By comparison, a single 1% resistor's nominal value may differ by as much as 1.45% from the desired value .
184. The products were identified to be brassicasterol and stigmasterol respectively based on their chromatographic and spectral properties as well as by comparison with the authentic samples.
185. By comparison, a cup of Starbucks brewed coffee contains three hundred thirty milligrams in four hundred seventy-three milliliters.
186. Other performances can sound clumsy, rigid, or overdriven by comparison.
187. By comparison and analysis about circulating current and load current, a new approach for compensation of dead-time effects is presented.
188. Using the exhaust algorithm, all feasible design schemes may be obtained; and by comparison, the better scheme is picked out easily.
189. By comparison with manual arc welding, it is found that the thermit welding is a efficiency, energy saving and high quality process for repair welding of steel ingot die.
190. About forty percent of the 224 polysyllabic conjunctions have not been included in the Chinese Dictionary (unabridged) by comparison.
191. By comparison, the fertility rate in developed countries has been stable, or falling.
192. The improved MoM-PO technique is validated by comparison with exact solutions for a right-angled perfectly conducting wedge at normal incidence.
193. It is shown by comparison of properties of various conducting wires that Al cladding steel wire have good properties in respects of corrosion resistance, conductibility , tensile strength and etc.
194. By comparison, a light-skinned person in a bathing suit can produce more than 10,000 IU with a half-hour in the sun, according to Dr. Meir Stampfer of the Harvard School of Public Health.
195. Methods Blood platelets were analyzed by comparison method, electric resistance method(PLT-I) and PLT-O respectively, the results paired t-test for dependent sample and correlation analysis.
196. By comparison, it is easy to find a bulge on the shoulder of clothes and misshape of collar when using common hanger.
197. By comparison, EPT - 1 is chosen as a complex agent.
198. The bullhead slurry placement method was selected by comparison of cost vs. effective placement results in eliminating or substantially reducing workover-fluid loss and zone permeability damage.
199. The combination of location weighting coefficient and damage index was used as structure story damage weighting coefficient to establish the global damage model by comparison and analysis.
200. The IBM JVM does somewhat better by comparison, but the reflection method still takes more than 700 times as long as the other methods.
201. By comparison of inlet total pressure recovery coefficient, attack-angle performance of chin inlet and two-dimensional inlet are superior to frontal inlet.
202. By comparison, a cup of milligram Starbucks brewed coffee contains 330 milligrams in 473 milliliters.
203. Air India, the state - owned carrier, is crummy by comparison, though it is improving.
204. The criminal is unpardonably wicked, by comparison, all other criminals are virtuous.
205. By comparison the navy was a queer little planet whirling in an austere void.
206. By comparison,[] the Great Wall in China is a mammoth presence.
207. By comparison, 42% of unaffiliated voters regard himfavorably, with 15% very favorable toward him.
208. A straightedge provides a standard of straightness by comparison with which the straightness and flatness of a surface can be inspected .
209. By comparison, a typical fossil fuel generator has an efficiency of about 28 %.
210. By comparison with other logging data, the amplitude of Stoneley wave and the ratio of Stoneley wave amplitude to compressional wave amplitude are related to formation permeability.
More similar words: comparison, in comparison with, prisoner, compare, parish, comparable, by contrast, company, arise, accompany, companion, comprise, militarism, keep company with, by car, at any cost, by chance, episode, isolate, son, disorder, isolated, supervisor, isolation, impair, impact, person, rampage, reason, season.